I have to give a shout out to the incredibly talented wedding photographer Ashley Langford for allowing me to shadow him Saturday night. I have admired and enjoyed his work for many many months via his
blog and
website The entire experience was an incredible treat for me. Of course the best part was that I finally got to meet Ashley after so many months of lurking around on his blog. It was a long time desire of mine to see how he captured those incredible moments. He is amazing! It was such a pleasure for me just to observe his talent. Imagine my excitement when he invited me to shoot too! Of course now I realize that my timidness squished my creative ability. I'm a work in progress and so thankful to have had this opportunity.
Ashley in Action

Getting Ready

The wedding was beautiful and the couple was giddy in love. I love, love. I love watching people in love. I love watching other people watch people in love. The whole night was wonderful and I'm so thankful to have been a part of it.
I missed the bride and groom leaving the chapel but thought these three
were having too much fun to miss.

I didn't get shots of the reception since I was helping out with lighting. But Ashley has some posted on his
blog - be sure to check out his archives too!