Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Five and Very Fairy

My first born is five years old now!  She requested a fairy party for her celebration.  I couldn't resist a photo session in "the woods".  She is always a very happy and smiley little girl.  But for these photos she decided to be a real fairy, I had no idea that "real fairies don't smile mommy, they look like this."

Maternity Session

Here are a few more from my last maternity session.  This excited couple will be welcoming their baby girl home sometime this month.  It's such a wonderful time!  There are a few more images from this session posted in the bellies gallery.

We've all heard of Pickles and Ice Cream to be a fave among expecting mothers.
Here's a little twist on that.  

dreaming of baby and counting the days
giddy with love and excitement